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Our Values

The child must be at the centre of everything we do

Our mission

Our aim is to provide a setting for children and young people of all abilities to socialise, grow and have fun alongside their peers.

Our vision

We believe that children and young people with special needs and abilities should not live isolated lives or be excluded from mainstream facilities.

Our values

We subscribe to the play assumptions and values published by Play London.


We believe that we cannot work in isolation. We actively encourage partnerships with families, the community and outside bodies.


We believe in working creatively and imaginatively to make the Log Cabin a happy and successful place for everyone involved.


We are committed to promoting equality for everyone involved creating a friendly environment to work and play in.


We believe that children have the right to play in an environment in which they feel secure and are physically safe whilst at the Log Cabin.


The child must be at the centre of everything, all decisions and activities must be in the best interests of the child.


We believe high-quality matters throughout the organisation, from the play opportunities to management practices.


We are SEN specialists, but our service is open to everyone. We believe in inclusivity to build resilient children. Most importantly, we believe all children should get the opportunity to play and have fun!