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Community Partnerships

We welcome support from the community. If you’re a small business, school, church group or an association, your help is needed.

We have been serving the most vulnerable members of our community for over 40 years and couldn’t do it without the support of locals. We make giving back to the community easy, by supplying promotional materials including posters, banners and collection cans to help you raise awareness of the work we do here.

If you need a speaker we can arrange one of our team to talk to your staff, students or group to help spread the awareness.

Whether it’s running the Ealing Half-Marathon under our name or a school bake sale, your support is vital to the families who need our service.

For more information contact the fundraising team.

We are SEN specialists, but our service is open to everyone. We believe in inclusivity to build resilient children. Most importantly, we believe all children should get the opportunity to play and have fun!